Urbano / 5
REPRODUCTIONS // Copies have always been made in art, that is, imitations or better yet reproductions. However, there are differences between copies and copies, and in investigating them, both in art and in architecture, it is interesting to discover the world of replicas in which we find ourselves, whether virtual or still real. Similar but at the same time profoundly different from the originals, we are in fact talking - perhaps in a more elegant and appropriate way - about reproductions.
URBANO, the magazine of urban planning culture, was born. An incubator of ideas, cities and visions It is a new magazine dedicated to the culture of urban planning. It was born on the occasion of the centenary of Borio Mangiarotti, a real estate development company founded in Milan in 1920, which with the magazine intends to tell its story but above all to spread the values in which it has always believed. Urbano's issues are in fact conceived as monographs, vertical insights into a specific subject. At the same time, transversal issues emerge from each thematic core, which are possible observation points on the urban world of today and tomorrow.
"URBANO nasce per offrire un nuovo punto di vista sui temi dell’urbanistica e dell’architettura; una voce fuori dal coro, che ci auguriamo possa diventare un riferimento non solo per gli addetti ai lavori, ma anche per tutti gli appassionati.