Stoà / 9
STOÀ 09 [Interferenze]
Anno IV, 1/3, Inverno 2024
Over time, the dependence of architectural design on many factors beyond the direct control of the architect has been exacerbated by the specialisation of production processes and, more generally, by the complexity of the conditions for building architecture. A not always well-defined series of interferences, understood in the threefold sense of cooperating factors, independent overlaps, and sometimes inappropriate interventions. University education, and in particular the teaching of design, cannot ignore this reality, given the impact that emerging environmental, economic and social contingencies are having on the profession. Stoà 9 [Interferences] is a partial review aimed at understanding how to recognise, manage and exploit different forms of interference. It seeks to understand the ways and methodologies through which these interferences can be consciously used and directed in a positive and constructive direction in an educational context. Intended as an exploration of current teaching practices and pedagogical experiences, this issue refers to both institutional and experimental models – whether unscripted or programmatic – that involve the explicit expression and enhancement of disciplinary interferences for architectural design.
STOÀ is an Italian magazine, undergoing a process of double-blind peer-review, which questions the methods and processes that determine the educational project for architecture. Journal of the area of architectural design (SC 08/DI) STOÀ tends to combine academic research and teaching practices in order to generate und critical reflection on schools, its protagonists and their methods favoring an intersection between knowledge and other disciplines in order to understand the structures and tools essential to the construction of the educational project. A four-monthly magazine that with its making will build an international network of themes and positions, trying to force the limits to understand contemporary issues on a case-by-case basis, grounding them in issues of discipline.