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Stoà Journal magazine - issue 3 - Reading Room


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Renderings - Anno II, 1/3, Inverno 2022


Rendering: in computer graphics, the conversion by special software of the profile of a two-dimensional image into an image with a realistic and perceptible three-dimensional appearance, thanks to the accurate calculation of the perspective and the addition of colors, lights and shading.


An examination of the effects of the use of renderings in the educational and pedagogical field for the architectural project has not been systematically conducted, since the temporal distance - since in an effusive way they have become daily elements of work - is, perhaps, excessively narrow. Although the critical scope of the use of this tool has not yet been metabolized, the construction of images through digital graphics has been too quickly relegated (certainly in European educational culture) among the causes of a certain degeneration of the know-how (therefore of the know to design) architecture accusing the renderings to be tools mostly turned to the production of a superficial satisfaction retina. The collected essays outline - through a targeted recognition of current teaching practices and pedagogical experiences - a spectrum of potential and criticality of this tool giving the opportunity to reflect on some issues of which the renderings may be significant.




STOÀ is an Italian magazine, undergoing a process of double-blind peer-review, which questions the methods and processes that determine the educational project for architecture. Journal of the area of architectural design (SC 08/DI) STOÀ tends to combine academic research and teaching practices in order to generate und critical reflection on schools, its protagonists and their methods favoring an intersection between knowledge and other disciplines in order to understand the structures and tools essential to the construction of the educational project. A four-monthly magazine that with its making will build an international network of themes and positions, trying to force the limits to understand contemporary issues on a case-by-case basis, grounding them in issues of discipline.

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