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nodes - issue 23 - readingroom


Nodes / 23

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L’arte e la bellezza dell’incomprensibile
Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi


Sulla relazione tra arte e scienza
Una cornice di riferimento per l’estetica psicologica
Thomas Jacobsen


Le varianti dell’esperienza estetica
Considerazioni sui concetti di ampiezza, durata e profondità
Eva Specker, Anna Lena Knoll, Tristan Barrière e Helmut Leder


La percezione tattile nell’esperienza estetica

Verso una sistematizzazione del tema della tattilità in ambito artistico
Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi e Giulia Torromino


Testo storico
Macchine e marchingegni
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev


Immagini sull’attualità
Studio Mistaker


Umanesimo tecnologico
Quale umano per quale IA
Marta Bertolaso in conversazione con Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi


Art and the beauty of the inexplicable
Editorial Letter
Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi


Varieties of Aesthetic Experience

Considering Breadth, Length and Depth
Eva Specker, Anna Lena Knoll, Tristan Barrière and Helmut Leder


Tactile Perception in Aesthetic Experience
Toward a Systematization of the Theme of Tactility in Art

Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi and Giulia Torromino


Technological Humanism

Which Human for Which AI
Marta Bertolaso in conversation with Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi



Nodes is a periodical founded in 2011 by Numero Cromatico, an association of researchers from the humanities and the scientific world. The magazine, published semi-annually, aims to narrate and popularize the marriage of art and science, a topic that has become very famous in recent years thanks to the emergence of neuroaesthetics. To date, the magazine, has become a forge of a new vision of artistic research, promoting the use of the scientific approach in different artistic disciplines: visual arts, literature, cinema, theater, architecture, music and design.

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