Klima / 6
Mutabilities explores mutations operating in various fields of research that are precious to Klima—such as ecology, contemporary art, social sciences and politics, technology, or even language. Co-edited with curator Alicia Reymond, and in collaboration with graphic design studio Espace Ness, this new issue originates from an ongoing transformation process. Mirroring an exquisite corpse, Mutabilities unveils the interventions of contributors who position forms of radical mutation at the core of their own practice. The mutations driving them not only constitute subjects for theoretical analysis, but are actually the result, the consequence, and/or the fruit of embodied reflexions. What is a mutating practice?
Klima is a bi-annual magazine for curious and informed readers. Each issue is centered around an article written by a doctoral student. We want to gather in a same space different fields from the contemporary scene in order to consider each of them while insisting on interdisciplinarity. Interviews, encounters, as well as artistic and literary projects are proposed in relation to the main article. These articles will interpret the inherent problematics within this research project.