Dune / 7
Issue 7 has finally arrived with a wonderful cover by Armin Linke.
Ecology is the science of the biosphere, the study of material relations and flows. At its root, the principle that everything is connected and that forms of life — human, nonhuman, subhuman — are dialectically and inextricably bound together. Such ties are examined here in a series of essays, studies, projects and conversations that tell stories of ecology, political economy, speculative design and ecodesign, tackled from multiple disciplinary perspectives and favoring activist positions.
Broadening its gaze, the seventh issue of Dune intends to investigate the aesthetic, cultural, social, and political dimension of sustainability, in an attempt to provide the methodological tools and contents needed to approach this concept and to analyze and uncover new meaning in it. The issue also recognizes the central role of fashion studies, sensitive to the relations between fashion and the ecological transition toward a reassessment of systems of production and the mingling of the craft and industrial dimensions.
Dune is a new magazine that originates in an academic environment, the Iuav University of Venice, and aims to be an open territory, interweaving multiple writings on fashion, design and visual culture. Bilingual (English and Italian), six-monthly and monothematic, Dune is edited by Maria Luisa Frisa, director of the degree course in Fashion Design and Multimedia Arts at Iuav, published by Flash Art, with graphic design by Think Work Observe.