Cercle / 10
After ten years of topics dealt with as interviews and pictures, Cercle Magazine celebrates its tenth anniversary this year with a special edition dedicated to the subject of Parades.
The tenth edition evolves in its layout and content, with always its curious and demanding outlook: committed, festive, and exuberant, the Parade theme will be tackled in many ways. Interviews, a selection of artists in the portfolio pages, and also various sections will give the floor to numerous contributors from the world over.
Cercle is an independent and thematic magazine published once a year. Every year, a new issue. Each issue, a new topic. Cercle tries to gather information around one main topic and to propose a support that values contemporary artistic creation, culture and science.
At the core of the project was the observation that social networks were an important part of our lives and that digital development allowed a free and fast exchange of information and images. We therefore wanted to take advantage of these circulatory images and information and aggregate them according to a simple process: restricted selection, printing and publishing. Cercle Magazine focuses on the idea of mustering professional, literary, visual, scientific and artistic aspects of one theme per issue, and to propose an inquisitive, playful but also a demanding and inspiring magazine.