We periodically ask a special guest to share with us the three magazines that have meant the most to him. This time is the turn of Chiara Costa, Head of Programs at Fondazione Prada.
#1 / S.M.S. (Shit Must Stop)
“S.M.S. (Shit Must Stop) was an experimental American periodical published in 1968 by William N. Copley and Dmitri Petrov. It was mailed directly to subscribers, opening a direct line of communication between artist and audience. Everything, from poetry to performance, was included. Probably the most utopian art magazine/project/multiple that ever appeared. Featuring Cage, Christo, Duchamp, Giorno, Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Ono, Nauman and many others.”
#2 / Real Review
“I must thank Reading Room for introducing me to The Real Review, a quarterly contemporary culture magazine that pursues “what it means to live today” through thematic issues. I like it because I really don’t feel like concentrating on the past, in these days: I need to sneak into the present. Real Review was originally and efficiently designed by OK-RM. The format is crazy vertical (11.5x26 cm) and it is clearly not meant to be precious - in fact, stern but fair.”
#3 / The Passenger
“I was surprised when publishing house @Iperborea, which has a renowned crush for Northern European literature, decided to go global and announced @thepassengermagazine: a magazine, a travel guide, and a trustworthy book for explorers/readers (also available in English). Remarkably printed on a fine, thick paper. Nowadays, it means a lot to at least metaphorically travel - and the upcoming issue is not by accident devoted to outer space.”