Reading Room presenta "ARCHIVIO magazine 3 – The Americana issue", con Matteo Milaneschi e Achille Filipponi (editors), Alba Solaro (editor in chief) e Maria Abdulhamid (foreign archives research).
Sabato 9 Febbraio 17:30
Reading Room, via Mincio 10, Milano
Ingresso libero
// About //
ARCHIVIO magazine 3 - THE AMERICANA ISSUE includes: Surfing Vietnam, The Manhattan Project, John Margolies Along The Road, Catherine Dunne, In The MoMA’s Vault, Jean Baudrillard On 9/11, The Black Female Imagery, Marco Ferreri: Dawn Of The End, Spectres Of Power, Disneyland Has Been Abandoned, Yes! Yes! Yes! Media Goes Underground, Tony Oursler And The Paranormal, Gianni Pettena And The Living Desert.
ARCHIVIO magazine is an innovative publishing project which focus will be exclusively on the archive’s culture and reality. It is the first time that a publishing venture is born out of the need to enhance this huge heritage.
Every issue will be constructed around a theme, but in a loose way, browsing from art to fashion, culture, sport, design, cinema, science, photography… No barriers.
We want to use our ability to watch everything from a contemporary point of view, because what archives can teach us is how memory becomes future.